Stanford Australia Foundation Scholarships
KidsXpress: Scholarship for Stanford Non-Profit Leadership Course

The Nelson Meers Foundation was delighted to be able to support KidsXpress by providing their dynamic CEO, Margo Ward, with a Scholarship (together with the Stanford Australia Foundation) to attend the Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders Course offered by Stanford University's Centre for Social Innovation within the Graduate School of Business.

KidsXpress is a dynamic program for children 4-14yrs who have faced challenges, loss and or trauma in their lives. During the KidsXpress program children are finding ways to cope with their situation through music, art and drama therapies, providing kids with the foundation to learn positive coping mechanisms for life. KidsXpress empowers children by providing a creative opportunity to identify, express, enjoy and enhance positive strategies for their lives. These skills will significantly increase the self-esteem and resilience of children and will contribute to their development to healthy adulthood.

Why did we fund this project? Margo Ward is the visionary and founder of KidsXpress and is committed to empowering children and making a difference that will have lifelong positive effects.

"It looks like a bright and colourful wonderland, where children act and sing, draw and dance. But KidsXpress is much more than that," writes Tim Elliott. "It's a haven for the damaged children of Sydney who have finally found somewhere safe to express their fears and emotions."
The Sydney Magazine, September 2011. Story by Tim Elliott.

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Stanford Australia Foundation Scholarships - KidsXpress