![UTS [Arts and Culture Social Impact Toolkit]](https://nelsonmeersfoundation.org.au/cache/com_zoo/images/nmf-logo-type2_a24ace082d980a27fb2c3c1d2ae05bd0.gif)
University of Technology Sydney
Arts and Culture Social Impact Toolkit
Nelson Meers Foundation supported the development of an Arts and Culture Social Impact Toolkit through the UTS Business School. The toolkit ia a free online repository of planning templates and validated measures, indicators and tools, and digital courses to measure companies’ social impact. It will empower not for profit arts and culture organisations to evaluate their social impact in a way that is reliable, accessible and free.
If not-for-profits can enhance their capacity to measure impact, they increase their ability to articulate the need for further funding – either from government or philanthropic bodies, enabling them to build capacity and increase support for organisations delivering programs with a social intent.
Why did we fund this project? Building capacity to evaluate, articulate and celebrate the value of arts and culture organisations will assist organisations who are currently not equipped to meet the expectations of funders and other stakeholders. The toolkit aims to build the capacity of the not-for-profit sector through democratising access to the validated tools, resources and methodologies needed to evaluate and communicate social impact.
CLICK HERE to view the Social Impact Toolkit