Centennial Park Labyrinth
Centennial Park Labyrinth - Project Update

Centennial Park Labyrinth - Project Update
By Kim Ellis

Progress on the construction of the Centennial Park Labyrinth is proceeding well aided by a stretch of good weather throughout May.

The concrete slab has been completed and the laying of the stone is well underway, with approximately 40% of the more than 1,500 individual pieces now in place.

The effort and care put into the process of setting out the positioning of the intricate stone pattern by the builder and stonemason is paying dividends. The pattern of the labyrinth, with the contrasting sandstone and bluestone, is now very clear to see.

The project has utilised the material excavated from the site for the construction works to enhance Centennial Park's landscaped area to the south-west of the labyrinth. This has required the laying of new turf in that area, which has established well.

On completion of the stone laying over the next few months further work will be undertaken to complete the landscaping around the labyrinth and enhance the landscape in that area.

Please visit the Centennial Park Labyrinth webpage, to find more progress photos. I look forward to providing you with further updates the closer we approach to completion of this wonderful community asset.

Kim Ellis
Executive Director
Sydney's Parklands and Botanic Gardens